Why Life Insurance Should Be Part Of Your Estate Planning

Why Life Insurance Should Be Part Of Your Estate PlanningYou’ve worked hard and managed your money carefully throughout your life. So rest easy knowing that you will have more than enough assets to fulfill your needs during your retirement years.You also need to think...

Why A Buy-Sell Agreement Is Vital For Your Business

Why A Buy-Sell Agreement Is Vital For Your BusinessThe purpose of a buy-sell agreement is to establish a set of rules or actions (that are legally binding) for what must happen to a business if one or more of the business owners is no longer involved. Why does my...

First Home Savings Account (FHSA): What You Need to Know

The First Home Savings Account (FHSA) is a savings plan designed for first-time home buyers in Canada, which allows them to save up to $40,000 tax-free. Contributions to an FHSA are tax-deductible, similar to Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP). Additionally,...

Tax Tips You Need To Know Before Filing Your 2022 Taxes

Tax Tips You Need To Know Before Filing Your 2022 TaxesThis year’s tax deadline is May 1, 2023, as April 30 falls on a Sunday this year. It’s important to make sure you’re claiming all the credits and deductions you’re eligible for. In this article, we’ll provide you...

When and Why You Should Conduct an Insurance Audit

As our lives grow and change with variable circumstances, new additions, and job transitions, our needs for insurance will also evolve. Additionally, economic fluctuations and external circumstances that influence your insurance policy will need frequent re-evaluation...