Great news! Your clients may now qualify for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS).
The changes expand the program to include more businesses for periods 5 to 9 (July 5 to November 21, 2020) and have been published on, here are some of the changes:
- the subsidy rate varies, depending on how much your revenue dropped
- if your revenue drop was less than 30% you can still qualify, and keep getting the subsidy as employees return to work and your revenue recovers
- employers who were hardest hit over a period of three months get a higher amount
- employees who were unpaid for 14 or more days can now be included in your calculation
- use the current period’s revenue drop or the previous period’s, whichever works in your favour
- for periods 5 and 6, if your revenue dropped at least 30%, your subsidy rate will be at least 75%
- even if your revenue has not dropped for the claim period, you can still qualify if your average revenue over the previous three months dropped more than 50%
- the maximum base subsidy rate is 60% in claim periods 5 and 6
- the maximum base subsidy rate will begin to decline in claim period 7, gradually reducing to 20% in period 9
The Government of Canada has updated the CEWS calculator to reflect these changes and can be found here:
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Angelina has been a great asset to my team. Her insights and knowledge are an invaluable tool in helping me grow my business and exceed customer expectations. I highly recommend Angelina and her team if you are looking to take your business to the next level.
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